Music and Songs

Here you'll find lists by topic of our favorite songs to use during storytime.

Criteria for "storytime usefulness" include songs with easy-to-follow lyrics, short or no instrumental introductions or interludes, simple to incorporate action/dancing, engaging to young children, and short enough duration to fit within a toddler or preschooler's attention span.

We've included song title, artist or group, album title, and track duration in minutes.

The lists are in the form of Google Fusion Tables. They work much like an Excel spreadsheet. You can click on the title of any column to sort it in ascending or descending alphabetical or numerical order. If there is a large amount of text in a particular cell, you can click on the cell and see a pop-up window of the full text. To print a list, simply click "file" and choose "export" to open the list in an Excel sheet.

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